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20180819 GEM4D Top Toolbar Layout

01 GEM4D Scene manipulation & Interface

20170527 GEM4D Drillhole collar text
Press the "Show collar names" check-box to show collar names in the scene.

GEM4D Warped fault from mapping
A best-fit warped surface through mapping data, that takes account of the mapping orientations.

GEM4D Warped water table
Water table estimate from piezometer data, generated as a warped surface

GEM4D Polygon info export
Export the polygon information as a comma-delimited CSV text file

GEM4D Mesh-mesh in different colours
The distance difference between two meshes as colours in different legends

GEM4D Domain logging from drillholes
Results from domain logging from drillcore

GEM4D Boolean cutouts
The polygon orientations are important when doing Boolean functions - see Newsletter 2017 Quarter 1

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