PicSure makes measurements from images a breeze. It is an updated version of RMPictureMeasure, and the name derived from Picture Measure => PicSure. It contains functionality to zoom, rotate, deskew and unwarp images, and have a File Name Builder to effectively name the created files.
PicSure can be installed on Windows XP or above and requires the dotNET Framework 4.5.2 or above. The installation is available in two formats:
Download PicSure as an installation package from the top link below - all supporting files that could be required will automatically be installed.
Download PicSure as a folder with files from the bottom link - unzip and copy the directory to a selected location and manually create shortcuts.

Updated to Version on 31 December 2024
PicSure is an extensive update of the old PictureMeasure, designed with the aim of simplifying measurements from images with:
Image preparations functions.
Ability to quick-select photos from thumbnails.
Automatic record the measurements taken.
Zoom and pan to the appropriate size and area.
Draw a ruler that follows the mouse cursor as quick measure stick.
Quick-rotate an image by simply drawing a line that represents horizontal with two pick points.
Correct perspective warping by selecting four corner points to match the actual dimensions filled into the two text boxes in "Unwarp dimensions (meter)". If the "Vertical" dimension is left at zero, the software will estimate a vertical value.
A "File Name Builder Form" that enables efficient naming of images before saving
Measurements and automatic recording of measurements and completion of image preparations:
Automatic data extraction from file names formatted according to the File Name Builder.
Measurement lines are disconnected from the photograph and saved separately.
If line information was saved for the image, it is automatically loaded with the image.
Some common geotechnical measurements are automatically recorded, such as cumulative length and different RQD-values.
Step "1 Add": Adds a line to the grid that is automatically filled with data extracted from the file name and the lines measurement file if previously saved.
Step "2 Scale": Scale a known dimension on the image with two points. Make sure to provide the actual length in meters. All "Length" measurements are then scaled from this known dimension.
Step "3 Length": Measure all solid pieces of core with two point clicks. The cumulative length of all recorded pieces, the RQD, and number of fractures are recorded in the grid as "Length", "RQD" and "Frac" respectively.
Save the image and line information with the "Save" button by selecting "Save image & lines", "Save image only", or "Save lines only".
Save the data recorded in the grid by right clicking in the grid to activate the context menu, and selecting either "Copy data to clipboard", "Save as CSV-file", or "Save as Excel-file". A CSV-file is a comma-delimited text file.
Screenshot of the PicSure interface

Perspective correction of a pit wall

Perspective correction of a painting