Graphics hardware does not display the graphics correctly with large coordinate systems, and is the reason mining software packages use project files where the offset has to be specified. The display and actual coordinate systems are then different by an fixed offset, and corrections are made when coordinates are requested from the scene. When the coordinate system is too large for accurate display, the polygons seems to overlap when moved and the rotation of the scene is jumpy.
This problem does not affect many users, but some mine sites do used coordinate systems where this problem occurs. GEM4D should auto-correct for large coordinate systems from this version on-wards, but the correction is not yet widely tested and feedback is crucial to ensure that it correctly manage all cases.
One improvement and two corrections were made in this version:
Some DXF-files did not load and GEM4D seemed to "froze". This was the result of a error catcher that I forgot to remove from the code. This problem is now corrected, and GEM4D should be able to easily read DXF-files of 100MB and even larger.
GEM4D now automatically corrects for large coordinate systems.
The efficiency of the DXF-importer was improved, and loading times should be faster with most files.
Please keep up with the feedback to improve GEM4D, this is an exiting project and I enjoy every moment of the journey, Regards Frans