Version contains three functionality additions, changes, and bug fixes.
New functionality
Meshes can now be split on the clipping plane and is further discussed at the bottom of this post.
A "Surface reconstruction" option was added (directly below "Delaunay3D") that could be attempted when the Delaunay options do not provide satisfactory results.
Measure lines (not cylinders) can now be exported as CSV-files and loaded as points or lines. The exported file format is similar to Datamine text files; Easting, Northing, mRL, LineNumber. This is thus a digitising function - create continuous lines by pressing the "SHIFT"-key.
A file name is now enforced when the selected name is already loaded in GEM4D when creating new meshes.
Markers and Mapping discs now have the mesh colour when the "Column" is set to zero "0".
Bug fixes
Automatically managing coordinates systems for the full array of options is troublesome, and the reason most mine design software packages require a project file with set-up settings. GEM4D attempts to automatically accommodate any coordinate system, and the following did not work as expected and fixed: (1) Loading Markers and Mapping data before DXF-files (2) The "Elevation" colour map scalar bar.
"Move" and "Copy" of loaded DXF-files (meshes) work correctly, but "Markers" and"Mapping" did not work correctly and was fixed.
The "Show plane" check box on the "Clipping" tab toggles a transparent plane that indicates the centre of clipping and did not always show in the correct location as was fixed.
"Clipping" can be done in various ways, with the two that allows most freedom called "Camera" and "Vertical". These clipping modes allows clipping along two mouse selected points, the first along the camera viewing plane, and the second along a vertical plane. A calculation error caused the clipping to be incorrect on occasion.
Splitting meshes
The unused button under "Clipping" was replaced with a "Split meshes" button that enables the splitting of meshes where a clipping would be done if the "New clipping" button were pressed. See the image below for the location of the new button.

Combining this functionality with the different clipping types is a easy way to subdivide a mesh into regions as illustrated in the image below.

I set the functionality up as follows:
As with all functionality, only the visible meshes are split.
Each subdivision creates a new file with all the visible information.
Each created file has to be given a file name not yet loaded in GEM4D.
The visible information before the split is hidden - their check marks in the Layers list is thus automatically unchecked. Only the subdivided mesh is thus shown after the split.
The previous split files are not automatically deleted, and available as base files for future splits. Remember to check their check boxes to make them visible again when required.
Enjoy, Frans