Version is a major update with optimisations and the addition of an iso-surface capability (implicit modelling). I tested the functionality thoroughly, but this addition is complex and will probably misbehave under certain conditions, please let me know and also forward troublesome data files if possible.
New functionality
Iso-surface capability that is further discussed in the "Iso-surfacing of data" section below.
Addition of a mesh colour picker button that allows the picking of colours from existing objects.
Automatically manage comma- and TAB- data delimited files, check for headers, and report on formatting errors.
Export all lines and points loaded from DXF-files as a comma-delimited CSV-file for manual manipulation.
Mouse cursor is changed to a cross when "Move" and "Copy" objects by mouse picking.
Selected "Toolbox" functions now retain the layer name of the original objects.
The data load logic was changes to enable data format checking and it resulted in a 5-fold speed increase when loading large data files.
Added layer name checks to remove special characters and spaces and eliminate potential errors.
All temporary files are now deleted when exiting the program.
Bug fixes
Pasting data into the grid from the clipboard resulted in errors - fixed.
Restoring data to the grids after data deletion resulted in errors - fixed.
Iso-surfacing of data
Step 1:
Load a comma- or TAB-delimited data file in the format "Easting, Northing, mRL, DataColumn1, DataColumn2, ..." (no limitation on the number of columns).
Step 2:
Select a data column to inspect, note that the the iso-surface capability is inactive if the value in "DataColumn" is "0".
Step 3:
Check the iso-surface check box to automatically create a regular grid, interpolate the values with inverse distance, and create an iso-surface.
Step 4:
Drag the slider to update the iso-surface instantaneously, or type a number in the text box next to the slider.
Step 5 (optional):
Optimise the iso-surface by changing the resolution and search radius - the iso-surface updates automatically as new selections are made. Save the iso-surface as a DXF file that can be loaded into mine design packages.