Many of the updates in this version were improvements on existing functionality. Major interface change are planned for the next version of GEM4D, and I want his version as bug free as possible as it has a reasonably long shelf life.
I receive many question about ways to install GEM4D on computers. After GEM4D is installed on a computer, the installation folder "C:\BasRock\GEM4D" can be copied to any computer (or memory stick) and "GEM4D.exe" will run normally as long as all the files in the original installation folder is copied across.
New functionality
When right clicking in "AutoCAD files loaded => Objects in selected file => Objects" listbox, new option is available to "Shorten existing layer name". This option removes characters from the front and back of layer names, as mine design software sometimes add the folder directory to the layer name.
"Top toolbar => Export => Points and Lines (CSV)" now also exports an additional column with the colour-value as an integer ARGB-value. This allows differentiation between different colours if layer lines are saved as Marker CSV-files.
When loading DXF-files, more objects are now generated as different colours are also loaded as different objects, even when in the same layer of the original package.
Right clicking in the Markers and Mapping data-grids have and addition option in the pop-up menu to "Hide selected data". This oprates similar to a filter when data is temporarily filtered from the grid.
Right clicking in the Markers and Mapping data-grids to change the layer names, now brings up the existing name first.
Loading Marker and Mapping data now use "Load" instead of "Add" to be consistent with the DXF-files.
Some of the right toolbar menu items were moved and slightly renamed.
"Complex actions => Grid => Grid lines" now hide the associated labels and tick marks with the lines to enable images as shown below.
The "Quick Toolbar" buttons now colour to show their toggle state when selected.
Icon images were added to some of the buttons.
Bug fixes
When creating mapping discs by three points using "Right toolbar => Discs icon => Create disc => 3 points" occasionally had the wrong trace length - fixed.
The scene occasionally did not want to change the rotation point when double clicking - fixed.
When changing between snapping options inthe "Quick Toolbar", the selected action was reset - fixed. It is now possible to change the snapping mode whilst picking points in the scene.
A quick comparison between designed and actual pit geometries
(I will do a step-by-step description in the Q3-newsletter, subscribe at the bottom of the "Home"-page if you are interested in receiving quarterly updates)