As mentioned in the previous blog post, this version is a major interface update for GEM4D. Managing all the functionality with the previous interface became problematic, and I decided to change the interface substantially to allow flexibility for future additions. A ribbon replace the top toolbar, and some functionality were moved for a more consistent logic. Thanks for this version goes to JL, PF, KdP, KB, GK, NB, HA and DP.
New functionality
The left and bottom docking panels can now be hidden, pinned or floated, depending on the scene size requirements. The floated panels can be moved to another screen, and separate screens used to display different panels of the program.
The "Marker" and "Mapping" scalar bar visibility can now be toggled in the relevant tab fo the ribbon.
After a mesh is coloured on "Dip angle" or "Dip direction", double clicking on a polygon will also show the dip angle and dip direction of the selected polygon. This will also show when in "Information" mode selected by the toggle "Top toolbar => i" (left button).
Calculators were added directly below the "Marker" and "Mapping" data grids, and they can be used for calculations or temporary value storage.
Tests and error catchers were added which should improve stability even further.
An option to pick to the centre of objects was added, which is usefull when picking on "Markers" or "Mapping" objects such as spheres, discs etc.
Programming was moved across to Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.
A ribbon replaces the previous top toolbar, and the left toolbar functionality is now hosted in the "Settings" tab of the ribbon (see image below).
The toolbars were rearranged, with the previous right toolbar now at the top below the ribbon, the quick toolbar to the left, and a new quick toolbar to the right. The left toolbar only becomes available after a "Measurement", "Marker" or "Mapping" is done from the top toolbar. The new righ quick toolbar hosts the snapping and camera view options.
Changes to the shading now only affects the visible meshes, which means you could now have objects with flat and smooth shading in the same scene. This is the way all functionality now works in GEM4D, a method only impacts the visible objects.
When creating "Marker" iso-surfaces or colouring meshes on their values, the "Resolution" and "Search radius" for the Shephard Method interpolation are now values that can be changed by the user.
The Shepard Method linear interpolation algorithm was further optimised and is now nearly twice as fast as before.
Bug fixes
The splash screen showed incorrectly on some computers - fixed.
Filtering can be done in two ways; in the grid (similar to Excel), or manually by picking in the scene with the "Manual filter" button below the data grids. The two options previously functioned independantly, but are now working together and allows for combined filtering between the grid and manual spatial filters.
In development
Loading OBJ-files with the associated textures, which would allow the loading of 123DCatch models with the draped images for even easier mapping.
Support for text in the scene, both from DXF-files and generally for comments and data.
Improvements to make the data loading more robust.
Two data filtering options - by rubber band and within mesh objects.
When cutting meshes with other meshes, line intersections are not picked up and I am working on a fix.
Major interface changes

PURPLE - The previous top toolbar is now a ribbon similar to the Microsoft Office products.
YELLOW - The "File", "Marker" and "Mapping" "Settings" are now incorporated into the relevant sections of the ribbon.
GRAY - The left toolbar is incorporated into the "Settings"-tab of the ribbon.
BLUE - The right toolbar is now placed at the top of the scene to allow for more space for future buttons.
GREEN - A new toolbar to the right gives quick access to snapping modes during picking and camera orientations (Plan, North, East, South, West).
As always, feel free to provide feedback on your experiences with the new interface. I do not intend to make such a big change anytime soon again, but think the ribbon is more intuitive, simplify future additions, and provide quicker access to most functionality. Enjoy, Frans.