Version is a smaller update that mostly contains stability improvements and bug fixes. Some additions were made to the CSV export of information as lines, a filtering option added, and PrisVec was added to the distribution. Thanks for feedback from to JD, MF, AB, JL, AJ, NB, KdP, JB, GS, KB & GK.
New functionality
PrisVec was added to the distribution under "Ribbon => External => Instrumentation => PrisVec (prisms)" - see the PrisVec discussion below.
"Lines" support were added to existing functions. "Lines" could include rectangles and cylinders created with the Measure tool "Top toolbar => Yellow ruler icon". Eventually, these lines will become a large part of the GEM4D functionality, as it connects up with drill hole information. This will be further discussed in future posts and newsletters.
Exporting DXF-lines as a CSV-file with "Ribbon => File => Export => Line info" now includes the line dip and azimuth. The format is also now in a "lines" format: Id, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, From, To, Length, Dip, Azimuth, Value1, Value2, Object where Value1 and Value2 represent the scalar values for the two line points. This format will also be used with drill holes and discussed in more detail in future posts and newsletters.
Filter data outside mesh boundaries is now possible by checking "Ribbon => Marker => Filters => Manual => Relative to meshes => Mesh search direction => Search to both sides". This will search for meshes to both sides of the Marker data point, and perform the selected action; either "Show marker on a hit", or "Hide marker on a hit".
The "quick" toolbar to the left of the scene is now visible from the start.
Confirmation is now required to close GEM4D.
Bug fixes
Deleting triangles with the options under "Top toolbar => Pick arrow" icon" (far right) did not always delete single triangles - fixed.
Burning colours to meshes sometimes caused the program to freeze - fixed.
RocScience buttons did not always activate when required - fixed.
PrisVec discussion
PrisVec can be found under "Ribbon => External => Instrumentation => PrisVec (prisms)", and used to convert prism data into displacement vectors. Load the prisms data into PrisVec as a CSV-file after formatting the columns into DateTime, PrismID, Easting, Northing, Elevation (see the image inset from Excel). PrisVec is purpose specific and thus easy to figure out.
PrisVec converts the raw data to displacement vectors for each PrismID, which can then be directly loaded into GEM4D for visualisation as shown below. Load the data as both Markers to colour the pit shell, and Mapping to represent the displacements as arrows. This will be discussed in more detail in a future Newsletter and upcoming videos.
PrisVec select the start and end coordinates from multiple data points, due to the frequent high variability in prism three dimensional data. For the start and end coordinates, a number of data points are accumulated, and the median value used as a representative value. The user controls how many data points are accumulated, as well as the time window period for the selection of the points.