Version has been available for some time, but I just could not find the time to update the blog. Another update will probably be available by the end of the weekend, and I hope to get time to update the blog this time. Only small logic changes and bug fixes this update, and apologies for the discomfort the previous update caused some.
The following changes were made to better align with other functionality logic:
"Ribbon => File" was changed to "Ribbon => Mesh".
"Top toolbar => Ruler icon" was moved to the right on the toolbar.
"Top toolbar => Colour palette icons => Reset original colours" now only act on visible actors.
The "Measure lines" format capturing was changed to align with drillholes, as I am slowly adding lines support that would open up a new dimension to data capturing - more on this aspect soon.
When loading image BRI (BasRock Image) files, the associated image files were required in the exact directory it was saved in. This is not required any longer, GEM4D will now automatically also search for the image files in the same directory as the BRI-file under the sub-directory "Images". This allows for easier transfer for image data to others.
Bug fixes
Marker "Burn colours" did not save out vertice points, only volumetric objects such as spheres etc. - fixed.
Clipping Marker data did not work as expected in the previous version - fixed.
When loading new Marker data and resetting filters, the grid context menu did not always reset - fixed.
Changing the Marker Mode to "Auto" did not always disable the "Start" and "End" values - fixed.
The shading did not always change correctly when certain work flows were followed - fixed.