Version contain small improvements that could make large differences in productivity. Many thanks for the discussions and ideas from RT, KdP, GB, MS, CB, CV, FdB, NT, JP and KB.
New functionality
Add collar text that faces the camera by checking the "Drillhole => Collar => Show collar names" checkbox in the control to the left.
Some components were updated to their latest versions which improve stability.
The OpenGL interface was upgraded and is now producing even higher quality scenes than in the past.
Additional error catchers were build into the code to correctly handle some selection sequences.
When importing OBJ-files with textures using "Ribbon => Image => Load files => OBJ with texture", the file is now correctly placed if the objects were moved to the world coordinate system.
Saving and loading camera settings with "Ribbon => Settings => Camera settings => Save settings/Load settings" is now supported in both "Perspective" and "Parallel" views (only perspective view was supported in earlier versions).
Changed the behaviour when pressing the "Escape" keyboard button - now the same as when mouse right clicking in the scene.
The interaction between the top list-box, bottom list-box and scene objects are now working as I initially envisioned. The top list-box determines what happens in the bottom list-box, and the bottom list-box interacts directly with the scene objects.
The "Ribbon => Mesh => Load and import files" now combines the loading and importing of files, as both ways now bring information into the scene in the same manner.
Bug fixes
Changing the grid column names did not work as expected - fixed.
"Ribbon => Mapping => Mapping filters => Manual => Relative to meshes" caused errors - fixed.
"Marker => Iso-surface and Colour mapping => Colour meshes" only updated the colours after "Iso-surface" was pressed - fixed.
Discussion: Show drillholes collars as text
Show the drill-hole collars text in the scene by pressing the "Show collar names" check-box. Change the scale of the text with "Text scale", and the text colour with the colour selection button. The text is always created parallel to the camera, refresh the text when required by just unchecked and rechecking the "Show collar names" check-box.