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Frans Basson

GEM4D Version available for download

Updated: Apr 18, 2020

I will encourage all users to update to this latest GEM4D version, as the previous version used the latest version of the graphics engine, which is causing triangle loss in some meshes when mesh colouring is done. In addition, Version contains improvements and additional functionality; such as defining a clipping plane by three pick points or by selecting the orientation angles, a custom legend for mesh colouring, and more intelligent input box behaviour.

The custom legend additions are just the start and many more improvements will be added over time; such as support for logarithmic colour scales and colouring on text columns. Please use the custom legend and provide feedback for further improvements.

New functionality

  • Define a clipping plane by three pick point with "Right panel => Clipping => Orientation => Mouse pick => 3-point".

  • Define a clipping plane by selecting the orientation angles, see "Right panel => Clipping => Dip/Azimuth". To select the clipping plane with these angles, first activate the clipping widget by checking "Right panel => Clipping => Clipping widget => Show clipping widget".

  • Add an additional colour legend option, see "Ribbon => Mesh => Scalar bar settings => Rainbow1/Rainbow2": Rainbow1: Dark red and blue outside the selected range. Rainbow2: Light red and blue outside the selected range

  • Add a custom colour legend option, see "Ribbon => Mesh => Scalar bar settings => Custom", see Discussion: Custom legends.


  • Revert back to a previous version of the graphics engine, that does not support finger gestures in tablet mode.

  • More intelligent behaviour when selecting values from pop-up forms.

  • Changes to the "Clipping" layout in the right panel.

Bug fixes

  • Triangle loss when colouring meshes - fixed.

  • Data contours are automatically shown with the clipping widget plane when data iso-surfaces are displayed or meshes are coloured on the data. The contour meshes were occasionally persistent and failed to auto-delete - fixed.

Discussion: Custom legends

The custom legend option "Ribbon => Mesh => Scalar bar settings => Custom" is a work in progress, and not completed at this time. Due to the triangle loss from the latest graphics engine, I was forced to provide a premature update. The custom form shown below is largely self-explanatory; just select the number of colours, data range of interest, and assign a colour to each range. The ranges and associated colours can be saved for later use.

Please use the custom legend and provide feedback, but take notice that it could contain bugs at this time.

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