GEM4D Version added support for the following:
Selecting multiple objects in the scene with a mouse rubberband.
The checkboxes next to the loaded file names now add and remove the objects from both the objects list and the scene (more intuitive).
Support for DateTime columns for Markers and Mapping.
Various options to simplify meshes for numerical modelling.
Create regular data grids and save as CSV-files to use for block models (or for creating meshes for numerical modelling packages - see Discussion).
Additional ERF-options to accommodate more stoping scenarios.
Integration with CollectBox for recording data in the field.
New functionality
Select objects in the scene with a mouse rubberband using the new button at the bottom of "Mesh => Left panel => Bottom left".

Make initial changes to accommodate the 'DateTime' data type in Marker and Mapping data-grids - the following are currently supported:
Automatic recognition of the DateTime data type when loading data.
Automatic differentiation between the different file formats (GB vs. US).
Filter support using the Markers and Mapping data-grids.
(Direct colouring of the in-scene data is not yet supported).
"Top toolbar => Toolbox 2 => Create grid in mesh bounding box" now provides the option to save the created grid as a CSV Marke- file (previously saved as a DXF-file).
Add a "Top toolbar => Toolbox 2 => Block surface builder from Markers" function for transferring complex shapes to numerical modelling packages - see the Discussion below.
Add a "Top toolbar => Toolbox 2 => Construct a surface mesh" function which attempts to construct a surface mesh from a points cloud.
Add additional options to "Ribbon => Mesh => Export files => Mesh info as CSV => Radius Factor (ERF) on grid plane"; such as the ability to calculate ERF on a warped plane, and selecting the grid interval spacing.
Add a "Ribbon => Mesh => Load and import file formats => Auto-cleaning" checkbox when loading mesh files. The default is checked, and unchecking is only very occasionally required.
Add the object name as an additional column to the "Ribbon => Mesh => Export files => Mesh info as CSV => Poly Faces information" export option.
When selecting "Top toolbar => Split & Delete => Split selection out by rubberband", the selected vertice coordinates are copied to the textbox in the bottom panel to the right. The coordinates are also copied to the clipboard in JSON-format for transfer to CollectBox (for more information, talk to Gus
Change the working of the checkboxes next to loaded file names. Unchecking a file now removes the file objects from the lower objects list, as well as from the scene.
Use the "SHIFT"-key to change the Colour, Transparency or Name of multiple selected Mesh object items in the lower list-box. Thus, select the objects in the lower list box, press "SHIFT", then press on the required column cell for the property to change. This property will now change for all the selected objects.
Move the Trajec3D DXF load option to "Ribbon => Mesh => Load and import file formats => Import files = Trajec3D (DXF)".
Bug fixes
The coordinate transformations were not done correctly when new files were loaded for some file types - fixed.
"Top toolbar => Toolbox2 => Simplify closed meshes" did not work as expected - fixed.
New colour assignments did not work as expected when cutting mesh objects by rubberband with "Top toolbar => Split & Delete => Split selection out by rubberband" - fixed.
When extruding objects on the best-fit plane normal with "Top toolbar => Toolbox 2 => Extrude lines or mesh surfaces", the result was not always correct- fixed.
When attempting to pick survey lines when the scene was clipped crashed GEM4D - fixed.
Discussion: Simplifying complex shapes for modelling
Different options are available for simplifying meshes for numerical modelling packages, and they are described in the videos available from Below are the relevant videos at the correct time stamps.
Delayney2D surfaces
Multiple stopes simultaneously
Simplify CMS stopes & Block Builder
